🐳 Docker
Build Docker Image
- Create a ROS2 workspace for S-Graphs
- Change directory to where Dockerfile is located in
git clone git@github.com:snt-arg/lidar_situational_graphs.git -b feature/multi_floor s_graphs && cd $HOME/workspaces/s_graphs/docker/foxy_noetic
- Build image
There are two docker files, one for foxy and another for humble. The above commands build the foxy image, you use the same commands to build the humble image if needed.
Running S-Graphs with Docker
- Create a container for the s_graphs image.
docker run -dit --volume=/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw --network=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --name s_graphs_container sntarg/s_graphs
Download the dataset you desire from above to your local machine.
Move the rosbag inside docker container
docker cp ~/Downloads/real s_graphs_container:/root/Downloads/real # For real dataset
# OR
docker cp ~/Downloads/virtual s_graphs_container:/root/Downloads/virtual # For virtual dataset
- Execute the container
If rviz2 doesnt open inside the docker, do xhost +
in a terminal of your pc and then relaunch the mprocs command inside docker.
- Run mprocs