🛠️ Run S-Graphs On Your Data
- Define the transformation between your sensors (LIDAR, IMU, GPS) and base_link of your system using static_transform_publisher (see line, s_graphs_launch.py). All the sensor data will be transformed into the common
frame, and then fed to the SLAM algorithm. Note:base_link
frame in virtual dataset is set tobase_footprint
and in real dataset is set tobody
. You can set theframes
for your dataset easily during the launch execution as follows:
ros2 launch lidar_situational_graphs s_graphs_launch.py compute_odom:=true lidar_topic:=/rs_lidar/points
- If you have an odometry source convert it to base ENU frame, then set the arg
and then remap odom topic in s_graphs_node like
ros2 launch lidar_situational_graphs s_graphs_launch.py compute_odom:=false lidar_topic:=/rs_lidar/points odom_topic:=/odom
If you want to visualize the tfs correctly from your odom source, you MUST provide a tf from the odom
to base_link