Learning from a Demonstration
To initiate the LfD process, use the following command:
This command launches several components, including the IK solver server, the MoveIt utility node, and the DMP server, to perform the LfD process.
Available Topics and Actions
The launched system exposes the following topics and actions:
Action Server: Allows training on a specific demonstration and planning an LfD for a new goal configuration with a defined duration scale. It also provides options to visualize the resulting plan in RViz or directly execute it on the robot. -
Action Servers: These servers use MoveIt's internal motion planning to plan and execute trajectories to reach a specified joint configuration or end-effector pose. Thefr3/plan_pose
server also requires an initial joint configuration for IK, considering null space in the case of redundant manipulators. -
Topic: Publishes the pose of the end-effector, similar to how thejoint_states
topic publishes joint positions.
The topics and actions provided allow for flexibility in LfD, including planning, visualization, and real-time execution, facilitating effective robot programming through demonstrations.