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Record a Demonstration

To record a demonstration, use the following command:

roslaunch lfd_interface lfd_recorder.launch config:=fr3 name:=DEMO_NAME

Note: The demonstration name must not contain numbers or special characters such as underscores.

  • When recording starts, the recorder will automatically ignore the initial part of the recording where the robot is stationary and has not yet moved (i.e., before the demonstration begins).
  • During the recording, the recorded path will be visualized in real-time using RViz.

To stop the recording, press Ctrl+C. The demonstration will be saved under lfd_interface/data/demonstrations/.

kinesthetic setup kinesthetic Rviz

What is Recorded

The recorded data includes the joint states, their timings, and the end-effector pose throughout the demonstration, with a specified recording frequency.


The configuration file is located at lfd_interface/config/demonstrations. The configuration file for FR3 looks like this:

robot_ns: "fr3"
planning_group: "fr3_arm"
base_frame: "fr3_link0"
ee_frame: "fr3_hand_tcp"
  • robot_ns: Specifies the robot's namespace used for topics and services.
  • planning_group: Defines the MoveIt planning group to be used during the demonstration.
  • base_frame: The name of the link in the robot's URDF file that serves as the base frame.
  • ee_frame: The name of the link in the robot's URDF file that serves as the end-effector frame, used for recording the end-effector pose throughout the demonstration.